Some References
Gail, thank you for your exceptional efforts in producing a truly outstanding Year in Review publication. Clearly superior to any prior product, it is a superb report and one of the finest communication products ever produced by NAVSEA. --G.P. Nanos, Jr., Vice Admiral, U.S. Navy, Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command
The best Year in Review ever! It is well organized and informative. Unlike some of the past efforts I get a coherent picture of what NAVSEA and its Team are doing. --Diane Palermo., Naval Surface Warfare Center
I commend Gail for a truly outstanding effort in compiling this year's Year in Review. We enjoyed working with her and appreciate that she was able to incorporate the technical products and accomplishments of Carderock. She had a monumental and unenviable task...yet she excelled by producing a first-class product. --Jim Scott., Naval Surface Warfare Center
With your incisive analytical ability and first-rate writing and editing skills, you were able to transform highly complex technical documentation into clear and compelling prose. Your broad-based knowledge of Command programs and initiatives enabled the publication's repertoire of sections to be expanded in both depth and breadth. Of particular note was your superb stewardship of the publication from inception to final production and distribution. Clearly, the Year in Review’s concept, creativity and content are a testament to your highly sophisticated design, editorial and computer skills and will further enhance the prestige and influence of the Command. --Patricia K. Dolan, Deputy Director Congressional and Public Affairs, Naval Sea Systems Command
An excellent editor, Gail drafted a 16-page special feature on NAVSEA for the European magazine, Naval Forces, that included an introduction by VADM Nanos, NAVSEA Commander. Her superb treatment of this initiative contributed greatly toward enhancing the Command's image with this foreign publication. --Peter F. Brown, Executive Director, Naval Sea Systems Command
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With top-notch journalistic skills, Gail has been able to translate a broad range of complex and diverse topics into clear, logical and effective prose that piques the deckplate Sailors' interest and enhances their understanding of technical and safety issues. --Angela Smookler., Head, Public Affairs, Naval Sea Systems Command
The superb quality, ingenuity and originality of Deckplate magazine [a technical magazine for the Fleet Sailor] and the attentiveness to your audience's needs are most praiseworthy. Your diligent, creative, and industrious craftsmanship make your efforts a principal part of your command's internal information program. Your winning entry reflects the highest standards of professional journalism excellence. --Thomas J. Jurkowsky, Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy, Commanding Officer, Naval Media Center
An excellent editor who has already captured two major awards for Deckplate as a print publication, Gail planned, designed and developed Deckplate's debut electronic edition. She not only revolutionized Deckplate's traditional format but she also broadened its scope to include articles that inform the Sailor of Command strategic initiatives related to the Fleet and to motivate them to perform required maintenance correctly and safely. Deckplate's diversity of articles, colorful visuals, easy access and many hyperlinks further expand the magazine’s appeal, making it a real plus for technical researchers as well as the marine engineering community at large. --Peter F. Brown, Executive Director, Naval Sea Systems Command
As acting editor of the Observer [Command newspaper], Gail moved swiftly to reformat the publication, using her well-honed desktop publishing skills to give the periodical a more polished profile. --Gordon I. Peterson, Captain, U.S. Navy, Director, Congressional and Public Affairs, Naval Sea Systems Command
A super job on the DRMS--What It Means to You brochure! --Carol Simpson, Director, Office of Public Affairs, Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service
It is with great pleasure that I express my appreciation to you for your excellent article on DLSC's customer service initiatives in the May issue of Dimension magazine. Your article enabled DLSC to inform the DLA community of our focus on customers. Thank you for recognizing the efforts of our dedicated personnel and for your continued support. --Laurence E Simpson, Colonel, U.S. Marine Corps, Commander, Defense Logistics Services Center, Defense Logistics Agency